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舊台北市天文台  投稿者: 曹 永杰 投稿日:2008/11/05(Wed) 21:28 No.3660
amekaeru.gif Old Taipei city astronomical observatory(is an astronomy education science museum in Taipei City now)
It Be built up at 圓山 in Taipei City in 1963.Being 1938 at the earliest stage is built up meteorology astronomical observatory in Taipei City by Japanese.But the 4" GOTO telescope be donated by 台灣日日新聞報社.

fig1:1938年日本人建立台北公會堂(現為中山堂)樓頂小天文台(台灣日日新聞報社贈送GOTO 4"屈折赤道儀to台北市役所)
fig3:五藤光學 4"屈折赤道儀.The first astro telescope for amateur education in 1938)
fig4:1963年建立台北市立 圓山天文台
fig5:1970年代 台灣最大口徑 西村製作所45公分Cassesgrain 反射赤道儀.(In 70s,the biggest astro telescope 45cm reflect telescope in Taiwan)

[管理者修正] Thank you 曹 永杰 for rare info & photes. I've retouched your photes had blanks.

Re: 舊台北市天文台   曹 永杰 - 2008/11/05(Wed) 21:39 No.3661

amekaeru.gif 臺灣日日新報於昭和十三年(西元1938年)五月一日的「本社四十週年紀念事業—科學思想普及費」原稿如右圖,文中可見當時的日文仍有諸多字體沿用今日臺灣所使用之繁體字。其原文為


感謝:本文特別感謝 木下大輔 (Kinoshita, Daisuke) 博士 協助報紙內容之文字辨識與翻譯的工作。木下大輔博士 提供編者文字協助之時仍為 總合研究大學院大學 (The Graduate University for Advanced Studies) 博士生,目前則為 日本國立天文台 (NAOJ) 博士後研究員,自2003年八月起於 臺灣國立中央大學天文研究所 停留一年參與天文研究。

Re: 舊台北市天文台   ガラクマ(管理人) - 2008/11/07(Fri) 23:49 No.3662

garakuma.gif 今、アジア的には危うい橋を渡っている日本。自衛官にもあのような思想がはびこっていたのは、驚きではありません。


Re: 舊台北市天文台   コメト(^0^; - 2008/11/08(Sat) 19:58 No.3663   HomePage

utyuujin1.gif 緯度の低い観測地は台湾がNo.1だったのでしょうネ。

The observation ground where latitude is low. whose Taiwan was No.1.
There is no difference in one of the big telescopes at that time.
It is information that obtains the build of the astronomical observatory in Taiwan for the first time.
The large-scale telescope seemed by the ASTRO camera that 40cm Cassegrain it might have been few also in Japan.
How to the sky in the south to put power is understood well.

Re: 舊台北市天文台   Sieg - 2008/11/09(Sun) 00:33 No.3664   HomePage

Taiwan and the Japanese Islands are covered with a same stationaly front, and their weather are no good in these days.

In recent years, in Japan, since the weather at night is not good, there are few starry nights.

How is it in Taiwan?

The attached is a photo of one of my handmade telescopes.
All the mirrors of my handmade telescopes are made in Taiwan. I am satisfied with the excellent accuracy of these mirrors which were made by GSO.


Re: 舊台北市天文台   曹 永杰 - 2008/11/10(Mon) 11:15 No.3667

amekaeru.gif The Taiwan's night sky is also very bright by now.Astro-photograph have to go to more than 2000 meters high mountains now.There are 台中縣大雪山,南投縣合歡山(鳶峰),嘉義縣玉山(塔塔加)etc....Because of 大雪山 compare nearer by 台北市.So we are often go to 大雪山 these years...
We also have Taiwan's mountains light-pollutions investigation...http://familystar.org.tw/index.php?option=com_smf&Itemid=45&topic=2982.0

fig1:大雪山駐車場 四季星圖
fig3:馬頭暗K星雲 PENTAX 100SDUF+NIKON D70(改)+IDAS P2+ATLUX赤道儀.大雪山2008年
fig4:合歡山 秋季星空 2007年 20mmF1.8(F2.8) ST3攝星儀

Re: 舊台北市天文台   曹 永杰 - 2008/11/10(Mon) 23:16 No.3668

amekaeru.gif The Taiwan's night sky is also very bright by now.Astro-photograph have to go to more than 2000 meters high mountains now.There are 台中縣大雪山,南投縣合歡山(鳶峰),嘉義縣玉山(塔塔加)etc....Because of 大雪山 compare nearer by 台北市.So we are often going to 大雪山 these years...
There are some 大雪山 images for reference...

Re: 舊台北市天文台   Sieg - 2008/11/12(Wed) 23:30 No.3669   HomePage

I did downloading of a pamphlet of the 大雪山 national park from a Taiwan web site.
Then I found 船形山 and 鞍馬山 in a map of it.
Their same Chinese character name mountains are in Japan.

And there is 大雪山 also in Japan.
On Google map, you can find it easily at the center of the Hokkaido Island in Japan.
We can watch excellent starry sky there as same as the Taiwan 大雪山.

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